Monday, November 4, 2013

Work Troubles

I was recently at work and I have to call the customers and tell them we have some free offers and then ask them if they interested.

Most of the time I get the voicemail, which is perfect since I am like the awkward penguin.


Well, I recently called a person and he said that he didn't want it, because he wasn't treated right and then proceeded to tell me how he has tried to tell managers and what not. The phone call was already awkward and he just made it even more weird. All I could say was that I was sorry, which then spurred him on to say that "that is all you ever say and that is all that is going to be done."

What do you want me to say?!?!?

So I just kept saying sorry, to which he said, "this is as far as it going to go huh, sweep it under the rug, don't listen to the criticism."

Again I repeat, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!?!?! I am the low man on the totem pole, I cannot do anything. I just kept saying sorry and then said to have a good day and hung up.

The guy was obviously not going to take the free offer since he didn't like us, so I didn't offer him anything else and I hung up.

It was an experience, but I have to remember that I will never meet this man, so I don't really care. Oh well..

Friday, November 1, 2013


My biology class recently changed professors and materials, resulting in my class learning about ecology from a British professor. It is so interesting! I really like it. I have to register for my spring classes and I am considering taking an ecology or zoology class.

I also really like my teacher. He has an accent and he is from Britain! So its really nice to hear him speak. This is not a crush on my teacher or anything, just his accent and it makes me happy to hear it, since I love British accents.

In class we are learning about the wildebeest and why they migrate. Since we can't go and take a field trip to Africa, we have to settle with watching videos in class. Totally fine with me! The videos are interesting and we get to see other animals too, so it is just a really fun class.

Hello again!


It has been a while hasn't it...

It's just that school is so busy, and I would rather get homework done and get a good grade, then not do it, if you know what I mean.

I will definitely try to keep up with it, but no promises.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Darn You Calculus!

I hate my calculus class!

My teacher doesn't teach us anything! For the first forty-five minutes she rambles on about some problem that we DIDN'T even have on the homework. She makes up the problem as she goes, and it doesn't resemble any of the problems in the homework. Then for the rest of the class, she makes up another problem that doesn't resemble any problems that we have for homework. It is frustrating!

I just turned in an assignment and I had no idea what I was doing.

The book doesn't help either! For some reason, this one section is so confusing and it doesn't explain anything!

I'm scared, confused, and angry!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

School Insight

So it has been three weeks since school started...

Let me just say that since school began, I have new insight into my life at school.

1. It is very easy to be sleep deprived. I have most of my classes just yawning and resting my head on my hand. Only once have I actually been very upbeat in class and I really don't know why. Plus, that was without coffee! I think I was just hyper that day, I don't know.

2. Breakfast is a luxury. People are always saying that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Yes, I know, but do you know how hard it is for a college student to get breakfast in the morning when they two back-to-back classes in the morning. Hint: Hard I think one day I managed to get a banana, and halfway through calculus my stomach started speaking whale.

3. I am not fashionable, no matter how hard I try. On the first day of school, I picked a cute shirt and jeans. the next day, same thing. As the week progressed, it has just gotten worse. Today, I just wore some shorts with a t-shirt I had in my closet. There are those girls who look cute in whatever they wear, whether it be something totally cute or sweatpants and a t-shirt. I wish I was one of those girls, because I could get away with anything and I could do my hair in a messy bun and be good.

4. My biology teacher is mean. He is extremely strict, and then when he does crack a joke, it is kind of dark. Nothing wrong with dark humor, but his jokes are just mean. I thought I was going to like him, now I'm not so sure. Plus, he doesn't like Harry Potter. Just another reason for me not to like him.

5. I am extremely awkward. I mean, I already knew this, but my knowledge of this only becomes more confirmed as time goes on. So I was in lab and we were testing this solid for sulfur. If the solid turned red, then there was sulfur. Well, the solid turned red, but the red was this beautiful deep red. So as I was cleaning up, this girl came up next to me and was cleaning up as well and said, "This is cool, isn't it? It looks like blood." Then me, being the weirdo that I am said, "Yes, its beautiful.", in response to her first comment. After I said that, I stood there realizing how awkward that sounded. All I could say was, "That wasn't awkward at all. I'm not a killer or anything. Um, yeah." Thankfully, the other girl knew that I realized how morose that sounded, so she sort of understood that I didn't mean it was beautiful in a gross way. But still, inwardly I smacked myself on the forehead.

Well, there are still many more weeks to come this year. Till then, see ya!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Weird Science

My biology class is set up a little weird this semester, because for six weeks I will have one teacher, and the rest of the semester I will have another teacher.

The first teacher that walked in seemed nice. He has a dry sense of humor, but that is okay. After he left, since he would be teaching the second half and didn't need to be there, my other teacher walked up to the front of the class.

He pushes up his glasses and stares at us, waiting for us to be quiet. When we finally quiet down, he says, "My name is Dr. Olson." The rest of the introduction goes like this:

Dr. Olson: *seriously* I have a PhD in microbiology and in ______(some scientific class). I have two Masters in ________ and _________. I also have a BS in _____ and _______. So you might say that I have some experience. Now... I have worked hard to earn my title, so I expect to be called by my title. Do not call Mr. Teacher or Professor, or even worse, Mr. Olson. No. My name is Dr. Olson. If you call me anything other than that, you will fail. Do you understand.

Class: *nervously* Yes...

Dr. Olson: *seriously* Good, so what is my name?

Class: *murmurs* Dr. Olson.

Dr. Olson: Good, what is my name again?

Class: Dr. Olson.

It was at this moment that he whipped off his glasses, started laughing and said, "That was fun! I held my serious face for longer than I thought I could." The whole class, who was so scared of this teacher, burst into nervous laughing. Dr. Olson then said, "Actually, I hate my title, I hate being called professor, so please call me by my name."

Oh. My. Gosh. I was so scared. I instantly thought that I got the scariest teacher ever. Afterwards, he kept cracking jokes and was energetic. I think I am going to like this teacher.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Calculus Class

I met the rest of my teachers today.

My calculus teacher was okay. She is a happy lady who is somewhat soft spoken.

I made some friends in my class, which will be EXTREMELY helpful. I already had my friend Janie in the class with me and then I met Emily, Harry, and Roxy. Emily is a science major like me, so I have seen her before and I "know" her, but we haven't been properly introduced. I had never met Harry or Roxy until today, but they seemed like really nice people, and Roxy is a freakin' math wizard. We had a review to work on today and she picks it up and is like, " Oh, I remember this.", and just gets to work.

I , on the other hand, looked at it, sort of knew what the problem was, but I had no clue how to solve it. Roxy helped me a little bit, but then I just stopped, because it was not helping me at all. So, I gave up.

I do not recommend this to anyone, but it really wasn't helping me to learn by looking at Roxy's paper and asking an occasional question.

So that was it for my calculus class, which thankfully went by quite quickly.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day!

Today was the first day of school!

I actually only had one class today, when I should have had two.

So I went to my organic chemistry class today and I must say that my teacher is fun. She kept on cussing and she told us that if the class gets too loud she will raise her hand and that at that moment we are to "Shut up!"

So, my first impression of her is that she is gong to be a fun teacher, but I hope that I am correct.

I was also supposed to have a biology lab, but we haven't even had a class yet, so the teacher figured that we didn't need to meet just yet.

I'm not going to complain.

Now I just got to see how the other classes turn out. Fingers crossed!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Back to School

So school starts in four days!

I have mixed feeling on this. I always get like this before the first day of school. A part of me says "Yay! I get to see people and friends again!" and another part of me says, "NOOOOOOO!!!! My freedom is over and now I have to actually do things and wake up early!!!" 

I already bought my books online and all my supplies. Saved a boatload of money! Thank goodness for eBay.

So I guess this is a wrap up to my summer...

I have realized many things about myself... For one, I am a geek and I am a part of many fandoms. (Shout out to those who are in the Sherlock, Supernatural, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Firefly and Avenger fandoms!) Second, I love Pinterest. Amazing website and I love seeing all of the different things that people have pinned. This website helped to feed my addiction to the aforementioned fandoms. Thirdly, I am short and all of my pants have to hemmed. This causes me to spend a whole day hemming all of my pants that I bought in preparation for the school year, and in the end I have hemmed pants and a sore back from sitting and pinning everything.

I think that I had a fun summer, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to go back to school. At least then I won't have a mother who needs me to do every chore. This doesn't mean I want to go to school. Ugh, it is complicated! I going to go have some ice cream and think about whether I should be happy or not about September, books, and teachers.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Thoughts on Emma

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had watched the 2009 version of Emma, which I loved.

So I thought that I should go and watch the 1996 version with Gwyneth Paltrow, since it was available to me via Netflix, but mostly because I am a hopeless romantic and needed my romance fix.

So I went and watched it...

You would have thought me a movie critic! I had a piece of paper in front of me and I was writing notes about what I liked and how they compared with the other version.

And these are my findings (please note that these are of my own opinion) :

SPOILERS!!!! Do not go further if you have not seen the two versions of Emma and wish to do so at some time in your life.
In regards to characters, I liked the 2009 version better. I loved the costumes and the hairstyles more. There was nothing wrong with the 1996 version, but Paltrow did not seem to have enough hair on her head at times.
Overall, the casting was great and they each had great actors!
What I did like was the difference in certain scenes. But my favorite scene was the dance!
In many of the period dramas that I have seen, it is usually at a dance were we see a character realize that they love the other person, are interested in the other person, or allow the viewer to realize that maybe it is those two characters that will end up together. I liked the 1996 version, but not for its dance. I liked the conversation between Emma and Mr. Knightley. She said that if he would ask her to dance then she would and it would be okay, since they were not brother and sister, and Mr. Knightley replies after she has left that "Indeed we are not." This gives you the notion that he likes her. The 2009 version is the version I liked more. The talk before was nice because Emma says, "Your secret is out.", and Mr. Knightley has a deer in the headlights look. Sweet! But I loved the dance! It was beautiful!
Mr. Knightley's secret
Deer in the headlights! Of course, until she says that his secret about being an excellent dancer is out. Oh that...

Emma and Mr. Knightley dance
The dance was beautiful and I could keep on watching it. Plus, I loved how after Emma confronts Mr. Knightley about marrying Jane Fairfax and he has returned to his house he remembers the dance, it is that moment that the viewer realizes that he likes her. So they both have their sweet moments.
So all in all, I have realized that everyone else can have Mr. Darcy, I want Mr. Knightley! Someone who will continue to stand by me even after I make a mistake and will correct me if needed, but most importantly, he will be my friend.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Update!

Another summer update!

I have finished Merlin and the ending was bittersweet, but it was still good. 

So I have also finished Supernatural, or at least all that Netflix has allowed me to finish. Netflix, I need you to update! I need to see season 8! (That rhymed!)

Well, because of this setback, I decided to watch some period dramas. I watched North and South, Mansfield Park (BBC), Mansfield Park (2007), and Emma (2009). Just lovely. *sighs*

I loved all of them (except Mansfield Park (BBC) ) . My dad said that I was born in the wrong century and should have been born in the 1800's. I agree! I think I  would have loved to live during that time. 

North and South is about a girl who is from the south and the countryside and goes to the industrial north and it is there that she meets a Mr. Thornton who runs a cotton mill. It is a great story!

Mansfield park is about Fanny Price and how she is sent to live with her cousins and her cousin Edmund befriends her when no one else would, and how she grows up into a woman. In the 2007 version, I found the ending ADORABLE! The BBC version I did not care for, at all. I usually love any of the BBC's renditions of the classics, but for some reason I just could not stand watching it and just skipped ahead to the ending to see if the ending was the same as the 2007 version that I had just watched. (It was not.)  So watch the 2007 movie, plus it saves time instead of having to watch six hours, you only watch an hour and a forty minutes. 

Emma is AMAZING! I couldn't find it on Netflix, so I found it on YouTube with Italian subtitles, which I got over since I really wanted to see it. Emma is an upper class woman that has a nice life and decides to match-make her friends. In the process she makes friends, causes trouble, and tries to find out her friends love lives and her own. This has made me want to go to the library and read the book. 

If you never seen any of the aforementioned period dramas, I highly suggest you do. Except for the Mansfield Park (BBC), of course.

P.S. Please know that if the BBC version of Mansfield Park is your favorite, I am not in any way saying that you should stop watching it. I am merely stating, that in my own opinion, I did not care for it as much as I did the other version.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tattoo Time!

I got a tattoo!

Not really! I drew it on myself with eyeliner, and then when it started to fade, I went over it with pen. 

It was a beautiful butterfly! (I just pictured the caterpillar from A Bug's Life)

I was looking for ways to make a temporary tattoo, but they required special paper and I was too lazy to leave the couch and I was too miserly to go pay for the paper, so I just decided to freehand it on myself.

The next step in the process was finding what design I wanted. This is an important decision because it was going to be on me for 2-3 days
So I went online and did some research on things that I love. So I  looked up Tangled, Roman designs, sun, moon, stars, and Celtic designs.
So I found these...

But then I found this...
LOVED IT! So I started to draw it on my wrist and realized that I had drawn it too big. Thankfully it was only eyeliner. Imagine if it had been an actual tattoo! O.O So I just wiped it off and then I decided to copy the butterfly. And voilà, I had a tattoo!
I also told my brother I would draw something on him. Here are his ideas.  
The butterfly and the phoenix would be for me. I thought the seahorse was adorable, but my brother is quite weird and I can see him wanting it.
Well... my tattoo has faded and you can barely see the butterfly, so what should I draw next? Hmm...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Am Still Alive!

Wow... it has been a month!

Sorry about that! I guess I just fell off the face of the planet.

But I wasn't floating around in space, I was actually being a productive individual. Yay me! I could have sat around all day and slept in until noon and woken up when I felt like it or when I had to go to work. But NO! I thought to myself... Self, you need to get up and do something! So I did!

Now... I may have been productive, but that does not mean what I did was necessarily a productive activity or benefited my health... so... just thought I would have a disclaimer in here.

1. I started drawing again and they are adorable, if I do say so myself. I would put some of them up here, but I have yet to take pictures of my pictures, so maybe a little later.

2. I read a couple of books. Because of school, I am always unable to read the books I want, so I love summer for the one reason that I get to catch up on all the books that I wanted to read. I read The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks at the beginning of the summer. It was cute and I liked it. I recently read Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay, which is about this American journalist in Paris who has to write about the roundup of Jews in Paris by French policemen, and along the way learns about a girl named Sarah and her story during the roundup. It was a great book and there were points where I would close it and stare at it and think about life.

Sidenote: I think it is kind of funny when books make me gasp or make me sigh out loud, or I will mentally yell at the characters, or sometimes I will do it verbally, or I will shut the book, because I am afraid for what is about to happen next. I mean, I know that the book is not real, but for that moment that I am reading it is real and those moments of awkwardness, excitement, or sadness really get to me.

3. I went camping with my family and I had a lot of fun, like always. We played in the river and had a water war with water guns, in which my policy was that I will not fire unless you provoke me. Many people felt my revenge.

While there I read Déjà Dead by Kathy Reichs. This is the first book in the series that inspired the show Bones. It was really good and I really liked it. There was a lot of scientific lingo, but thankfully I had taken an anatomy class, so I knew some of the things that were mentioned. The one thing I did not like was that because the setting is based in Montreal, the characters are constantly talking in French. I mean the book is in English, but there would be points where the characters would be talking or they would see a sign and they would read it in French. I don't know French! The author was pretty good about translating it afterward, but only for the single words, not the phrases. So I sort of had to guess at what the phrase meant, but overall it didn't take away from the book.

I got rid of my farmer's tan, of which I am extremely glad. Now my upper arms are the same color as my lower arms and my thighs actually have color. Yay!

4. Netflix! They updated the shows, and Merlin was updated! I am so happy! It's the last season, and I heard that it is sad, but I don't care, I need to finish it. I have also been watching Supernatural and I really like that show too. Plus, I somehow convinced my whole family to watch Sherlock with me and this was their reaction.

(previous pinner) "Introducing a friend to your fandom..."   bwahaha truth XP
With me, of course, being Edna Mode.

So you see, I was productive in good ways and bad.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Adventure is Out There!

Here is another tip:

Go explore the town that your college/university is situated. Remember...

If your college town is a big city, then you will definitely have things to do and see while you are there. If you are at a college that is in a small city, don't think that it just a sleepy old town, every town has something about it that makes it special, you just have to find it.
Take me for example, I went and visited my college town with the Bilbo mindset...
It was extremely fun and I got to see what went on outside of the college. I went to the local market night and had the BEST handmade ice cream. I also tried a gyro at one of the stands and got to look at some cute jewelry for sale.
But I didn't stop there... oh no!
I went and found the public library, don't get me wrong, the school library is amazing and has great books, but it doesn't have as many fictional books. It's is great if I want to research, but some days I just want to sit in a corner and read and be taken to a far off place.
I also found that they have an amphitheater and they put on free shows/musicals and they also have local musicians come and give concerts for the public. I went to a couple of concerts and it was great! That is what I am doing next year too!
So remember...

I love Up!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Fill in the Gaps of Summer

I love summer!

But summer has left me with giant gaps of free time.

When summer first started,I used that free time to fill out applications and go to job interviews. Well, I got a job,and so now three days a week I go work part time. That still leaves me with two days that would normally have been filled up with class and homework.

So I have become hooked on Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock.

I LOVE THESE SHOWS! They are addicting and I love watching them.

I started watching Sherlock two years ago ( I think ...) and I was instantly drawn in and become a Sherlockian (Sherlock fan).

I loved the developing friendship between Sherlock and Watson and I loved how it was modern. If you have not seen this show, I ORDER you to go and find this show and watch it. This is probably my FAVORITE show! (AND CAPS LOCK CANNOT BEGIN TO EXPRESS MY JOY AS I WATCH IT! ^_^) Unfortunately the third season is not out yet, so I have been patiently waiting for its arrival by re-watching the first two seasons over and over again.

Doctor Who is a great show too! I love science fiction, so this is very interesting. I actually started the watching from the second season of the show. If that gets me in trouble from die hard Whovians ( Doctor Who fans) then oh well.

Supernatural is another great show and I usually don't like to watch things that have to do with evil spirits or ghosts, but I made an exception for this show.

I read somewhere that despite it being scary, most of the viewers of the show are female.
Of course there are going to be more girls! You stick two handsome guys as the main characters and you expect girls not to watch the show.
Now you know how I am mostly spending my days. After typing this out I look like a loner. This is not the case! I am doing other things, I'm just saying that I am watching these shows and I am THOROUGHLY enjoying it!  ^_^

Friday, June 7, 2013

What's In Your Closet?


Clothes are very important, unless for some reason you are going to a nudist college.

I love college for the simple reason that you can wear anything and it is okay.

1. You can get away with pajama bottoms and a tank top, hair in a messy bun and no make up, whether it be for a test or a non-test day.
2. School colors are always acceptable! Hoodies/sweatshirts if the weather is chilly or t-shirts emblazoned with your mascot and school name are a great outfit; whether it be because you are lazy, late or just really want to wear your school colors.
3. Or you can be adorable and wear something a little more dressy, which will definitely get you noticed by others. ( In a good way ;) )
4. For you athletes out there, just come to class wearing your athletic shoes, workout pants, and a windbreaker.
5. Or you can be like me and wear a shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
I guess what I am basically trying to say is that in college you can get away with anything fashion-wise.
One important rule though: never ever wear stripes together or stripes and plaid together. You know what... just don't wear a patterned shirt and patterned pants together.
There, that's it and you are now on your way to becoming a fashion-savvy college student. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Tip, Just Like I Promised!


These are important, because they will help define you and help to strengthen your character throughout college and will help to make you the person that you will be later in life.

That being said...

1) Join clubs, join a fraternity/sorority, volunteer or get a job and if you are in class, talk to the people around you. You will get to know people and they will get to know you and that is how friendships are made.

2) Meet your neighbors. When you are in your dorm, take a look around and say hello to all the people who live there. You are bound to meet people and go to parties with these people, so why not become friends.

3) Be yourself! This is very important. You will attract people who have the same personality and work ethic as yourself, and you will create lasting friendships that way.

Now, I know that you have gone through high school and have heard this speech before and how you need to be yourself and be friendly and outgoing and make friends, and because it is true, I felt I must reiterate how important it is that you do these things. This is because I have no doubt that you will be homesick. Maybe not the kids who live off-campus and go home every day, but all the other students who live on-campus 24/7 and can't go home on a whim and will miss their family. To combat those feelings, you need to get involved and create friendships. (Almost as a way to busy your mind with other thoughts other than home)

Now another important point that I must make is that even though you will be making new friends, don't let go of your other friends from high school. During the school year, try and keep in touch either by phone or by computer, and during the summer, try and meet up and have lunch or something.

I did this recently and my high school friends and I went and saw a show and then went and had dinner. Let me just say that it was a boatload of fun and it was great seeing them. It felt like we picked up right where we left off. So make sure to do the same thing. Okay?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's been a while!

It has been a while! A LONG while! And please know that I am not proud of all.

Let's see...

I got a job and it is going great! I am so glad that I found a job and I have one less thing that is on my to-do list. I got my first paycheck just the other day and I was ecstatic! Unfortunately I couldn't think about what store I was going to go spend it at, I had to save it for books and supplies for next year. Yay! That is exactly what I wanted to do with it.


So I said I would give hints to incoming freshman and I have yet to keep up on that promise but I promise that the next time there will be a tip in my next post. I pinky promise!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Finally Done!

Free at last! Free at last! YAY!

I am officially done with my first year in college! Do the Happy Dance!

I can't stop watching the dancing guys... :)

So let me just say that all went well and I felt pretty okay during the tests.

So now that I am done with school and I am in the summer I won't have any more stories tht occurred in class. So... I have decided to give helpful hints for those incoming freshmen. If not hints then just observation that I have made through out my year in college.

One more yay for good measure! YAY! I think that this guy needs some music, so sing a song in your head or if you are listening to the radio or something similar, that's even better!  :)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


AGH!!! It's Finals Time!

Need I say more!

It is now time for coffee and staying up late and studying in the library till the wee hours in the morning. Followed by cramming (initiate Cram Mode!) and freaking out before the test is even in front of you. Then as you walk into the class you start trying to remember every little thing you studied and start worrying that the missed something. As you start to take the test you realize that the one chapter that you skipped because you thought you "knew it", is the major topic on the test.

You know I'm right. :)

So good luck to any of you that are having to take finals or even just a test or quiz. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


Friday, April 19, 2013

I Found Something New!

You’ll never guess what I found!

A phoenix, a dragon and a pegasus having a tea party! No, not really, but that would be AMAZING! FYI: The phoenix, dragon and pegasus are my top three favorite mythological creatures. They are amazing! I think it would be so cool for them to actually exist.

Anyways, I digress…

What I really found was a yoga class. My school has free community classes on campus and in one of the buildings. So I decided to go, mainly because I had just taken a HUGE test and was in the mood to relax and unwind. Let me just say that yoga was the way to go.

The room had different sized pillows everywhere. They had a giant rectangular one that was the mat and then a medium sized one called a zambutan. I’m not even sure that I spelled it right. Then there was a small, hard round one that we actually only used once. I don't even remember the name for that one.

So we did restorative yoga and so we mainly focused on breathing and being calm. It was perfect! The giant pillow was like a mattress and it was so comfy! I’m thinking that if I am ever tired or if I need a place to unwind I’m going to hang out in that room on one of the mats.

So my advice to you: if your school has a meditation room or a yoga class or if your gym has a yoga class, GO! You won’t regret it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Job Search

Why is it so hard to get a job?!

I am currently trying to find a job so that way I can stay busy and make some money when I am not I school. And I am failing!

No one wants me! I applied to a water park, which would have been perfect if I had landed the job, because their season ends right before the next school year. But no... nothing... apparently they are looking for high school students. Not college ones. I don't see a difference. Except that I can be more mature and I will be on time and I have actually held a job before.

I also applied for a position in a small ice cream shop and the manager said that she wanted to help college students, but she is looking for someone who will stay long term. This does not make sense. College students are from out of town, so they are going home to be with family over the summer, when ice cream is in season.

Also, When I told her that my last boss was a great woman and she was flexible due to my school hours, she immediately spit out that she was not flexible. Okay... But college students want a VERY flexible job because they still have classes they need to attend.  So she didn't really make any sense.

Ugh... Thus concludes my rant, and my continuation on trying to find a job.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Class Registrations

Gah!!!! It has been a while! So sorry!!

Lets catch up!

I recently registered for classes for next year! I have organic chemistry, biology, and calculus II. I'm going to be busy.

Also, my ochem (organic chemistry... student lingo :D ) class is a night class! A NIGHT CLASS! I thought that never in my college career would I ever have a night class! But it is ochem and that class is extremely hard to get into and if it is available and you are a biology student, YOU TAKE IT!

So I did...

Thankfully it is only on Monday, so I won't have to go to a night class every night.

I also have to take calculus II. NOOOO! I hate math! I prefer science more, and math and I are like a heterogeneous mixture. ( ;) for all you science people out there.)

I took calc I (calculus... another example of student lingo) first semester and thought that I didn't have to take any more calculus classes. Boy, was I wrong!

It turns out that for my major, I need two semesters of calculus, but for graduate school, I only need one. Why college why!?!?

I am actually excited for biology, since I LOVE biology! So news on that class. :)

So until next time!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I took a Spanish test today and I think I did okay. Yay!

In my Spanish class there is a guy who sits a couple of seats away from me, who asked me what I got on the last test. I got a good grade and so I told him.

So guess where he sat today! Right next to me!

I'm not an idiot, I know that this sudden change in seating is because you are hoping to cheat off my test. He couldn't have made it more obvious than when he outright asked me if I knew how to do one of the problems.

PUH-LEAZE! You risk your own grade by not studying and cheating, and now you want to risk mine by answering! Heck no!

So I shook my head no and went on with my test, turned it in before him and left. To be honest I did know what to do at the section, but I'm not going to give the answer to you, especially during a test.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Griffith's Experiment

In Biology we learned about this man named Frederick Griffith. Perhaps you know of him (I didn't), and if you don't (like me), he was a biologist who came up with an idea called the "transforming principle".

Frederick Griffith

This principle came about after Griffith did some experiments on mice. So what he did was he took two strains of bacteria, S (which stood for smooth) and R (which stood for rough), and injected them into mice. But there was a catch... R was a non lethal bacteria, but S was not and had the ability to kill the mice.

So as you might have guessed, when R was injected, the mouse lived, but when S was injected, the mouse died. But Griffith went further... He decided to heat the S strain, which caused the bacteria to die. So when this heated S strain was injected, the mouse lived. But again, Griffith went further... this time he mixed a heated S strain and a R strain together and injected the mouse.

Well, what do you think happened? The mouse died. Why? Griffith never found out and this question was later answered by two separate groups of scientists: Avery, McCarty and Macleod and Hershey and Chase.

If that was too complicated for you here is a nice picture.

Rough strain= live mouse
Smooth strain= dead mouse

So I guess you could say that Frederick Griffith was the original DeadMau5!

Oops! That is a lot of extra space!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My College Life: Doodle Edition

So these are some of things that I have doodled while I was waiting for class to start or when I was extremely bored because the teacher was talking in circles. There are definitely more to come.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Library

I am currently sitting in the university library right now, and I have got to say that this is what I dreamed a university library would look like. You are probably thinking, Well no duh Sherlock! Of course it's what a college library is supposed to look like, it's a college library!

I know that! It is just different to see it in person!

Books, book, and more books! All categorized by subject and placed onto tall shelves!

They even have J.R.R. Tolkien books here! YAY!

I also saw a book that said "How to Read" First thought that ran through my head: Well how are they going to read your book if they can't read in the first place? (I know this probably not the case. It's probably about how you can maximize your reading skill, but still...)

They also have numerous sitting places in this library, all of which have really comfy chairs.

They have computers, which I am using to type these words right now. And now. And now, you get the picture. ^_^

This is exciting! I'm going to go and check out The Hobbit now, see ya!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cram Mode

I had a surprise test today!

Okay, so it wasn't really a surprise, it was mainly that I had forgotten. Oops.

So I woke up at eight and woke up feeling happy and I started to stare at the ceiling. I suddenly sat up straight, remembering, jumped out of bed and grabbed my Psychology book.

Thus I initiated cram mode.

Cram mode is a real thing. For some people, that is all the studying that they need. For others, they need to study every night and even then some still do only okay on the test.

Cram mode [kram mohd] n. 
    1.  The period in time in which a person begins to study nervously for a test/quiz in the hopes of retaining the information.
    2.  The moment before a test/quiz that someone begins to lose hope that they will actually pass the test/quiz.
  ex.  CJ didn't study for the test and went into cram mode and studied thirty minutes before the test. 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Night at the Symphony

My friend Janie is a music minor and has to go to ten concerts in the year. So she decided to go to this recent one and invited me. This was perfect, since I had been planning on going. So we made plans to meet up a couple of hours earlier to study in the library.

She said she would text me and tell me when she was there. She never contacted me. Yeah...forever alone. So I decided to go by myself. Yeah...forever alone.

So I got there and I saw Janie's friend, Jake. I've met him a couple of times and he is a nice guy. So we made eye contact and did that weird and awkward head nod that people do.

Well, jump ahead an hour and I am finally going to the symphony. So I get over there and I text Janie wondering where she is. She replied that she was going to be late, like thirty minutes late.

Okay, that changes things.

Suddenly, since I was standing off to the side texting her, an usher came up to me and said that I looked familiar. He got so close to me, it freaked me out. Then out of nowhere, Jake appeared. I gave him this pleading face. My look was a smile and STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE AND DON"T LEAVE ME HERE!

Thankfully he understood and waited until I edged myself away from the usher.

So finally we were able to attend the symphony. I started to look around and guess what everyone was wearing... suits and dresses. Yeah... Jake was wearing shorts, I was wearing jeans and we both were wearing t-shirts. Also, because he was in the library, Jake still had his backpack. We were so under dressed that people started giving us looks. We decided that it was best to sit up in the balcony.

The music was nice, but I was already tired and so it made me want to fall asleep right then and there. Then I looked over and saw Jake playing games on his phone. What a great idea! So I followed his example and we made it through the concert without falling asleep and thus drawing more attention to ourselves.

It was an eventful night at the symphony.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can You Skip Class?

Based on this flow chart, I had the right to skip class yesterday. I feel even more justified. ^_^


Monday, March 11, 2013

Keep Calm and Ditch Class

I can't believe it! I ditched a class! I have never done this before.

And I mean never. I never ditched in high school. There was one time where we had a sub for PE and she took roll call and then went somewhere and I slipped away and went home. I remember that moment as being a terrifying one because I was scared that the campus security officers would come and put me in detention. They didn't. ^_^ But still... I sort of count that as ditching, but I left after roll call, which makes me want to say that I really didn't ditch.

So, today, I ditched and I was so afraid that I was going to meet my teacher as I left. Thankfully I didn't! ^_^ The only reason I did it was because I had just taken a test the class before and was completely out of it and we weren't going over any new material for the class, so I just left. I did feel bad for just getting up and leaving, but at the same time my teacher doesn't care if attend her class or not. There I feel justified...


Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is That Smell?!

Guess what my teacher found in biology today... pig feet!

Our room stunk and we had all the doors open and then for some reason she looked under her desk and found four packages of rotting pig feet.

Why in the world would anyone need pig feet?! And then leave them there. The rooms stunk so much. It was horrible!

It was funny because as my teacher found it she made this grimace and carried it outside. Then this girl in the first row made a grimace and covered her nose with her sweatshirt. I sit in the second row and I didn't smell anything and then WHOOSH I smelt it and covered my nose. Then the guy behind me made a disgusted sound and then row by row people kept smelling it. So it was just funny to hear each row finally smell it.

Diffusion at work!
I know this says osmosis, but it was funny so I had to put it on here. ^_^

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. Sorry I fell asleep at the keyboard.

You know how there are different stages of being tired, kind of like this...

Yeah, the bottom one is me. I keep staring off into space, I keep twirling my pencil, and I laugh at people's jokes, even if they are extremely stupid. I really need a nap...

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Spring Break Plans

Do Spring Break is officially over. For a week I got to wake up late, not have to worry about classes and just do whatever I wanted. It was soooooo nice!

At the beginning of the break I had made a list of everything that I wanted to accomplish over the course of my vacation. It was a pretty good list and I had it full of homework and fun stuff that I wanted to do. I'll just show you...

To Do List:
1. Psychology Report- I had been putting this off and I really needed to work on it. I was given a topic and I had to write a report about it and then conduct a survey.

2. Spanish report and presentation- I had to work on a Spanish report, which actually is not that bad. Just make sure you follow the rules and you will get a good grade. Unfortunately, t turns out that I had a presentation too. At least i found out before going back to school.

3. Chemistry lab report- This wasn't immediately due, but I still needed to work on it.

4. Biology lab report- Another lab report, different branch of science. This one I definitely needed to work on. I had a partner and we met up a couple times to work on it.

5.Study for chem and bio- I had two tests waiting for me when I was done with break. What fun. So I really needed to study.

6. Go to the mall- I have not gone to the mall since Black Friday. It had been a while... I didn't even want to go to actually buy anything. I just like to go to get something from the cafeteria and sit on a bench and people watch.

7. Clean my room- Yeah...this really needed to be done...lets just say that Mount Vesuvius has erupted again.

8. Sleep!- This is extremely important! I wanted to sleep in and get back all the hours that I missed.

I obviously had a lot to do. Now here is what I actually did...

What I Actually Did List:

1. Sleep!- What I really would have like was to sleep in till nine or ten, but unfortunately my body decided that I should wake up at 7:45 or 8:00. Why circadian rhythms! Why!

2. I made an origami flower!- I am extremely proud of this! I am not very good at origami, but I decided that I really wanted to try again. So I went on YouTube and found a video that I liked and worked on it. And worked on it. And worked on it. It took me about 2-3 days. I told you I'm not very good at it. Anyway, I love the movie Tangled so I made the golden flower from the movie. I love it! BEST DAY EVER!

3. Watched Futurama- I love this show. I like Fry and I think him and Leela are adorable! So I watched Netflix and got caught up.

4. Researched my psych project- I did it! I went to the library and found a bunch of info on my topic. I didn't say I finished it... *smirks*

5. Took a keychain off my key ring- Not as exciting, I know, but it is what I did. I had a bear keychain from Washington D.C., but somehow its leg fell off, and he became an amputee. I decided that he was just added weight, so I retired him. May he rest in pieces.

6. Tried multiple times to meet with my biology partner- The first time we tried to meet my phone decided that it didn't want to work, so that was a major problem. The second time she became sick and had to cancel. But, we finally we met up and finished it. Hooray! 

7. Watch a boat load of movies!- I am so happy about this. Because of school I don't have time to watch the movies that I have been wanting to watch. So I went on Netflix (after watching my Futurama of course) and watched (not in a row) Shakespeare in Love (Thumbs-up!), My Girlfriend is an Agent (Korean movie, and it was cute), Perfect Match(another Korean movie, it was okay, but they didn't really build up the guy character, so I didn't fall in love with him), Argo (thanks Red Box!), The Bourne Legacy (Thanks again Red Box!), The Switch (this was a cute movie), The Raven (freaky but good), and The Man with One Red Shoe (loved the song!) Dang! I watched a lot of movies.

8. Plus I re-watched Sherlock!- This show is amazing and I got my dad to watch it with me. Yay! I can't wait to see the next season!

9. Spanish- I did it don't worry. But it turns out that it wasn't even due at the beginning of the week. I could have procrastinated more!

So... I didn't accomplish everything on my list and I kind of slacked off on the homework. But everything that was due, I finished so yay me!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stupid Workbook

So true. I bought a workbook for my chemistry class and I have probably used it twice so far. The work that I do in it is not being turned in and the way it is written is too confusing for me. So, I wasted 20 bucks on a book that I rarely use and don't need to pass the class. Thanks professor.

Monday, February 25, 2013

California CJ

Okay, so I found this picture and I think it is perfect!

College is exciting. It is an adventure and you are going to meet new people and see new things! You are learning all that you can so that you can reach the "idol" of knowledge!

Also, you have to navigate the alligator infested waters of relationships, classes, studying, and awful cafeteria food.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Guess what guys!!!!!!
It is...



Friday, February 22, 2013

Non-boring Psychology

Okay, so I was in my psychology class and all of a sudden this guy comes in through the door. Now a guy coming in to the classroom is not a unusual sight, but this guy was different, it was how he did it. He swung that door open so fast that I think it shocked the two students by the door. Then he stormed over to the teacher and started yelling at her.

Student: "I need to talk to you."
Teacher: "Can it wait? I am in the middle of a lecture."
S: "No, it can't wait. My grades have been slowly slipping down and you keep failing me on all of my tests and my homework, yet you don't say anything to me about what I did wrong."
T: "Please, can we talk about this later, I am teaching a class."
S: "I'm sorry for this class, but we need to talk. This is stupid, do you just not like me or something?! I am a senior and I only have two more months to go and you keep failing me. I need to pass your class to graduate. I've tried emailing you and you never respond, so I thought that we could just talk about it here, since you obviously don't have enough time for me otherwise."
T: "Let's..."
S: "No!"
T: "Here, I will talk to you, but only outside."

With that they left...

Now for your information it was a setup. We were talking about memory and how during stressful situations, our brain tends to remeber every detail. Thankfully, I caught on quickly and I actually started laughing to myself.

Afterwards the teacher asked us what he was wearing so she could "report" him to the campus safety officers. I'll tell you this... in the split seconds where I thought it was real, I somehow managed to remember what he was wearing to a T. It was pretty awesome.

It was actually kind of funny, because the girl in front of me didn't realize what was going on and started to freak out. Afterwards she said she felt her sympathethic nervous system (fight or flight) start to kick in, but unfortunately she didn't remember anything.

FYI: The student was actually passing the class, he was going to graduate, and when he was about to leave he hugged the teacher and gave the class an awkward wave good bye.

Gosh I love my psych class, nothing boring ever happens!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hey! My name is CJ and I am in college. I wanted to start this blog as a way to let my thoughts out into this world. I am sorry. So much happens in one day that I forget to tell my family and friends. Plus I think that this is a fun way for my family to see how I am adapting to college life. Don't worry Mom, I won't lie on the Internet.
Anyway... I am a freshman in college. I am a Biology major or at least I plan to be, since my school doesn't have you declare a major until sophmore year.
If you know how school works, then you already know that I'm am in my second semester of college, or university, if I really want to sound like I am from across the pond.
So there you go... sit back and relax and enjoy the wild ride of college!