Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Calculus Class

I met the rest of my teachers today.

My calculus teacher was okay. She is a happy lady who is somewhat soft spoken.

I made some friends in my class, which will be EXTREMELY helpful. I already had my friend Janie in the class with me and then I met Emily, Harry, and Roxy. Emily is a science major like me, so I have seen her before and I "know" her, but we haven't been properly introduced. I had never met Harry or Roxy until today, but they seemed like really nice people, and Roxy is a freakin' math wizard. We had a review to work on today and she picks it up and is like, " Oh, I remember this.", and just gets to work.

I , on the other hand, looked at it, sort of knew what the problem was, but I had no clue how to solve it. Roxy helped me a little bit, but then I just stopped, because it was not helping me at all. So, I gave up.

I do not recommend this to anyone, but it really wasn't helping me to learn by looking at Roxy's paper and asking an occasional question.

So that was it for my calculus class, which thankfully went by quite quickly.

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