I have finished Merlin and the ending was bittersweet, but it was still good.
So I have also finished Supernatural, or at least all that Netflix has allowed me to finish. Netflix, I need you to update! I need to see season 8! (That rhymed!)
Well, because of this setback, I decided to watch some period dramas. I watched North and South, Mansfield Park (BBC), Mansfield Park (2007), and Emma (2009). Just lovely. *sighs*
I loved all of them (except Mansfield Park (BBC) ) . My dad said that I was born in the wrong century and should have been born in the 1800's. I agree! I think I would have loved to live during that time.
North and South is about a girl who is from the south and the countryside and goes to the industrial north and it is there that she meets a Mr. Thornton who runs a cotton mill. It is a great story!
Mansfield park is about Fanny Price and how she is sent to live with her cousins and her cousin Edmund befriends her when no one else would, and how she grows up into a woman. In the 2007 version, I found the ending ADORABLE! The BBC version I did not care for, at all. I usually love any of the BBC's renditions of the classics, but for some reason I just could not stand watching it and just skipped ahead to the ending to see if the ending was the same as the 2007 version that I had just watched. (It was not.) So watch the 2007 movie, plus it saves time instead of having to watch six hours, you only watch an hour and a forty minutes.
Emma is AMAZING! I couldn't find it on Netflix, so I found it on YouTube with Italian subtitles, which I got over since I really wanted to see it. Emma is an upper class woman that has a nice life and decides to match-make her friends. In the process she makes friends, causes trouble, and tries to find out her friends love lives and her own. This has made me want to go to the library and read the book.
If you never seen any of the aforementioned period dramas, I highly suggest you do. Except for the Mansfield Park (BBC), of course.
P.S. Please know that if the BBC version of Mansfield Park is your favorite, I am not in any way saying that you should stop watching it. I am merely stating, that in my own opinion, I did not care for it as much as I did the other version.
P.S. Please know that if the BBC version of Mansfield Park is your favorite, I am not in any way saying that you should stop watching it. I am merely stating, that in my own opinion, I did not care for it as much as I did the other version.
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