Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I took a Spanish test today and I think I did okay. Yay!

In my Spanish class there is a guy who sits a couple of seats away from me, who asked me what I got on the last test. I got a good grade and so I told him.

So guess where he sat today! Right next to me!

I'm not an idiot, I know that this sudden change in seating is because you are hoping to cheat off my test. He couldn't have made it more obvious than when he outright asked me if I knew how to do one of the problems.

PUH-LEAZE! You risk your own grade by not studying and cheating, and now you want to risk mine by answering! Heck no!

So I shook my head no and went on with my test, turned it in before him and left. To be honest I did know what to do at the section, but I'm not going to give the answer to you, especially during a test.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Griffith's Experiment

In Biology we learned about this man named Frederick Griffith. Perhaps you know of him (I didn't), and if you don't (like me), he was a biologist who came up with an idea called the "transforming principle".

Frederick Griffith

This principle came about after Griffith did some experiments on mice. So what he did was he took two strains of bacteria, S (which stood for smooth) and R (which stood for rough), and injected them into mice. But there was a catch... R was a non lethal bacteria, but S was not and had the ability to kill the mice.

So as you might have guessed, when R was injected, the mouse lived, but when S was injected, the mouse died. But Griffith went further... He decided to heat the S strain, which caused the bacteria to die. So when this heated S strain was injected, the mouse lived. But again, Griffith went further... this time he mixed a heated S strain and a R strain together and injected the mouse.

Well, what do you think happened? The mouse died. Why? Griffith never found out and this question was later answered by two separate groups of scientists: Avery, McCarty and Macleod and Hershey and Chase.

If that was too complicated for you here is a nice picture.

Rough strain= live mouse
Smooth strain= dead mouse

So I guess you could say that Frederick Griffith was the original DeadMau5!

Oops! That is a lot of extra space!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My College Life: Doodle Edition

So these are some of things that I have doodled while I was waiting for class to start or when I was extremely bored because the teacher was talking in circles. There are definitely more to come.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Library

I am currently sitting in the university library right now, and I have got to say that this is what I dreamed a university library would look like. You are probably thinking, Well no duh Sherlock! Of course it's what a college library is supposed to look like, it's a college library!

I know that! It is just different to see it in person!

Books, book, and more books! All categorized by subject and placed onto tall shelves!

They even have J.R.R. Tolkien books here! YAY!

I also saw a book that said "How to Read" First thought that ran through my head: Well how are they going to read your book if they can't read in the first place? (I know this probably not the case. It's probably about how you can maximize your reading skill, but still...)

They also have numerous sitting places in this library, all of which have really comfy chairs.

They have computers, which I am using to type these words right now. And now. And now, you get the picture. ^_^

This is exciting! I'm going to go and check out The Hobbit now, see ya!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cram Mode

I had a surprise test today!

Okay, so it wasn't really a surprise, it was mainly that I had forgotten. Oops.

So I woke up at eight and woke up feeling happy and I started to stare at the ceiling. I suddenly sat up straight, remembering, jumped out of bed and grabbed my Psychology book.

Thus I initiated cram mode.

Cram mode is a real thing. For some people, that is all the studying that they need. For others, they need to study every night and even then some still do only okay on the test.

Cram mode [kram mohd] n. 
    1.  The period in time in which a person begins to study nervously for a test/quiz in the hopes of retaining the information.
    2.  The moment before a test/quiz that someone begins to lose hope that they will actually pass the test/quiz.
  ex.  CJ didn't study for the test and went into cram mode and studied thirty minutes before the test. 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Night at the Symphony

My friend Janie is a music minor and has to go to ten concerts in the year. So she decided to go to this recent one and invited me. This was perfect, since I had been planning on going. So we made plans to meet up a couple of hours earlier to study in the library.

She said she would text me and tell me when she was there. She never contacted me. Yeah...forever alone. So I decided to go by myself. Yeah...forever alone.

So I got there and I saw Janie's friend, Jake. I've met him a couple of times and he is a nice guy. So we made eye contact and did that weird and awkward head nod that people do.

Well, jump ahead an hour and I am finally going to the symphony. So I get over there and I text Janie wondering where she is. She replied that she was going to be late, like thirty minutes late.

Okay, that changes things.

Suddenly, since I was standing off to the side texting her, an usher came up to me and said that I looked familiar. He got so close to me, it freaked me out. Then out of nowhere, Jake appeared. I gave him this pleading face. My look was a smile and STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE AND DON"T LEAVE ME HERE!

Thankfully he understood and waited until I edged myself away from the usher.

So finally we were able to attend the symphony. I started to look around and guess what everyone was wearing... suits and dresses. Yeah... Jake was wearing shorts, I was wearing jeans and we both were wearing t-shirts. Also, because he was in the library, Jake still had his backpack. We were so under dressed that people started giving us looks. We decided that it was best to sit up in the balcony.

The music was nice, but I was already tired and so it made me want to fall asleep right then and there. Then I looked over and saw Jake playing games on his phone. What a great idea! So I followed his example and we made it through the concert without falling asleep and thus drawing more attention to ourselves.

It was an eventful night at the symphony.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can You Skip Class?

Based on this flow chart, I had the right to skip class yesterday. I feel even more justified. ^_^


Monday, March 11, 2013

Keep Calm and Ditch Class

I can't believe it! I ditched a class! I have never done this before.

And I mean never. I never ditched in high school. There was one time where we had a sub for PE and she took roll call and then went somewhere and I slipped away and went home. I remember that moment as being a terrifying one because I was scared that the campus security officers would come and put me in detention. They didn't. ^_^ But still... I sort of count that as ditching, but I left after roll call, which makes me want to say that I really didn't ditch.

So, today, I ditched and I was so afraid that I was going to meet my teacher as I left. Thankfully I didn't! ^_^ The only reason I did it was because I had just taken a test the class before and was completely out of it and we weren't going over any new material for the class, so I just left. I did feel bad for just getting up and leaving, but at the same time my teacher doesn't care if attend her class or not. There I feel justified...


Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is That Smell?!

Guess what my teacher found in biology today... pig feet!

Our room stunk and we had all the doors open and then for some reason she looked under her desk and found four packages of rotting pig feet.

Why in the world would anyone need pig feet?! And then leave them there. The rooms stunk so much. It was horrible!

It was funny because as my teacher found it she made this grimace and carried it outside. Then this girl in the first row made a grimace and covered her nose with her sweatshirt. I sit in the second row and I didn't smell anything and then WHOOSH I smelt it and covered my nose. Then the guy behind me made a disgusted sound and then row by row people kept smelling it. So it was just funny to hear each row finally smell it.

Diffusion at work!
I know this says osmosis, but it was funny so I had to put it on here. ^_^

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. Sorry I fell asleep at the keyboard.

You know how there are different stages of being tired, kind of like this...

Yeah, the bottom one is me. I keep staring off into space, I keep twirling my pencil, and I laugh at people's jokes, even if they are extremely stupid. I really need a nap...

Monday, March 4, 2013

My Spring Break Plans

Do Spring Break is officially over. For a week I got to wake up late, not have to worry about classes and just do whatever I wanted. It was soooooo nice!

At the beginning of the break I had made a list of everything that I wanted to accomplish over the course of my vacation. It was a pretty good list and I had it full of homework and fun stuff that I wanted to do. I'll just show you...

To Do List:
1. Psychology Report- I had been putting this off and I really needed to work on it. I was given a topic and I had to write a report about it and then conduct a survey.

2. Spanish report and presentation- I had to work on a Spanish report, which actually is not that bad. Just make sure you follow the rules and you will get a good grade. Unfortunately, t turns out that I had a presentation too. At least i found out before going back to school.

3. Chemistry lab report- This wasn't immediately due, but I still needed to work on it.

4. Biology lab report- Another lab report, different branch of science. This one I definitely needed to work on. I had a partner and we met up a couple times to work on it.

5.Study for chem and bio- I had two tests waiting for me when I was done with break. What fun. So I really needed to study.

6. Go to the mall- I have not gone to the mall since Black Friday. It had been a while... I didn't even want to go to actually buy anything. I just like to go to get something from the cafeteria and sit on a bench and people watch.

7. Clean my room- Yeah...this really needed to be done...lets just say that Mount Vesuvius has erupted again.

8. Sleep!- This is extremely important! I wanted to sleep in and get back all the hours that I missed.

I obviously had a lot to do. Now here is what I actually did...

What I Actually Did List:

1. Sleep!- What I really would have like was to sleep in till nine or ten, but unfortunately my body decided that I should wake up at 7:45 or 8:00. Why circadian rhythms! Why!

2. I made an origami flower!- I am extremely proud of this! I am not very good at origami, but I decided that I really wanted to try again. So I went on YouTube and found a video that I liked and worked on it. And worked on it. And worked on it. It took me about 2-3 days. I told you I'm not very good at it. Anyway, I love the movie Tangled so I made the golden flower from the movie. I love it! BEST DAY EVER!

3. Watched Futurama- I love this show. I like Fry and I think him and Leela are adorable! So I watched Netflix and got caught up.

4. Researched my psych project- I did it! I went to the library and found a bunch of info on my topic. I didn't say I finished it... *smirks*

5. Took a keychain off my key ring- Not as exciting, I know, but it is what I did. I had a bear keychain from Washington D.C., but somehow its leg fell off, and he became an amputee. I decided that he was just added weight, so I retired him. May he rest in pieces.

6. Tried multiple times to meet with my biology partner- The first time we tried to meet my phone decided that it didn't want to work, so that was a major problem. The second time she became sick and had to cancel. But, we finally we met up and finished it. Hooray! 

7. Watch a boat load of movies!- I am so happy about this. Because of school I don't have time to watch the movies that I have been wanting to watch. So I went on Netflix (after watching my Futurama of course) and watched (not in a row) Shakespeare in Love (Thumbs-up!), My Girlfriend is an Agent (Korean movie, and it was cute), Perfect Match(another Korean movie, it was okay, but they didn't really build up the guy character, so I didn't fall in love with him), Argo (thanks Red Box!), The Bourne Legacy (Thanks again Red Box!), The Switch (this was a cute movie), The Raven (freaky but good), and The Man with One Red Shoe (loved the song!) Dang! I watched a lot of movies.

8. Plus I re-watched Sherlock!- This show is amazing and I got my dad to watch it with me. Yay! I can't wait to see the next season!

9. Spanish- I did it don't worry. But it turns out that it wasn't even due at the beginning of the week. I could have procrastinated more!

So... I didn't accomplish everything on my list and I kind of slacked off on the homework. But everything that was due, I finished so yay me!